Unsere Lösungen

Geografische Rufnummern und 032

The service number with local network reference

The local reference of geographical numbers is their strength. They can be reached internationally and can be used like service numbers with intelligent routing. As many national callers have fixed network flat rates, they usually do not incur any connection costs. The 032 is a national subscriber number without a local network reference.


Perfect for your call center

Due to its local coverage and flexible capacity, the geographic service number is ideal

  • Customer service
  • Order hotlines
  • Information services
  • Promotion

Good to know:

Geo numbers (or local numbers) are service numbers that look like normal local fixed-line telephone numbers, but are set up virtually in the network and routed to a de facto destination number. This means that all the functions and benefits of a service number can be used. The precondition for use is that the provider has a local network connection.

032 numbers are national subscriber numbers that are not assigned to a specific local network (in Germany there is no area code or local network 032) and therefore these numbers can be used without proof of location.

Geographical telephone numbers are only allocated to companies or private individuals who have their place of residence or registered office in the area code. Proof is provided by means of an identity card, HR extract or business registration.

The numbers can be reached worldwide (outside Germany with “+49” in front and without a trailing “0”) from all fixed and mobile networks and are therefore the service numbers with the widest reach.

Geographical or 032 numbers are allocated by network operators such as First Telecom on a derived basis. Talk to us!

Wie können wir Sie unterstützen?

Melden Sie sich gerne unter der Telefonnummer : +49 69 65006 – 0 oder schreiben Sie uns an
info (ät) first-telecom (punkt) de