Unsere Lösungen

0137 Competition

0137 number – the competition and voting number

0137 numbers are mainly used for voting and competitions. These are so-called MABEZ numbers (mass traffic to specific destinations). This means that several thousand calls can be handled and processed at the same time. The costs can be seen by the caller from the first digit after 0137. 0137 numbers can be reached from landline and mobile networks throughout Germany at the same price.


Just right for your competition

Choose the price per call from the available tariffs and earn money per call.

  • Competitions
  • Voting
  • Surveys
  • Promotions
  • Mass traffic services

Good to know:

0137 service numbers have been developed for paid voting and competitions. There are three different caller tariffs to choose from:

0137-prefix caller tariff:
0137-6 > 0,25 € / call
0137-8 > 0,50 € / call
0137-9 > 0,50 € / call
0137-7 > 1,00 € / call

The payout for the organizer depends on the chosen prefix.

The possible uses of 0137 service numbers are very diverse, e.g:

  • Telephone competitions, voting services
  • Opinion polls, ballots
  • Call TV formats, such as astro shows or quiz shows

The 0137 has been created for mass traffic services to avoid overloading the telephone networks with a large number of calls. If you expect a large number of calls for your service, then 0137 is the right choice.

Wie können wir Sie unterstützen?

Melden Sie sich gerne unter der Telefonnummer : +49 69 65006 – 0 oder schreiben Sie uns an
info (ät) first-telecom (punkt) de