Unsere Lösungen
Prepaid Phone Payment
Chargeback-free billing for premium-rate telephone services
With prepaid phone payment, value-added telephone services can be billed even if there are no suitable 0900 premium rate numbers or tariffs in the country. Instead, the caller tops up their line using a prepaid account via credit card, bank transfer, PayPal, Bitcoin or other payment methods. Any telephony services used are deducted in real time from the credit balance of their prepaid account.
Excellent solution
Users do not have to register, but simply load credit onto their telephone line
Perfect for your international premium-rate services
Wherever you reach your customers, billing via Prepaid Phone Payment can be offered. Local access numbers are available for over 100 countries, and payment methods can be easily integrated
- Premium-rate telephone services
- Consulting services
- Adult entertainment
Good to know:
Prepaid Phone Payment is integrated via iframe and fits seamlessly into the layout of any website.
Prepaid Phone Payment already supports numerous interfaces to payment service providers such as Payal, credit card, Sofort and BTCPayserver. Others can be easily integrated. The user can select one of those offered.
The user is notified in advance before their balance runs out and receives a link to the top-up page so they can continue without interruption.
None except the phone number!
Once the balance is topped up, the amount is credited to our system immediately and can be used right away without any delay
Billing can be done using:
- per-minute rate
- block tariff
- combined tariff
Wie können wir Sie unterstützen?
Melden Sie sich gerne unter der Telefonnummer : +49 69 65006 – 0 oder schreiben Sie uns an
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