Unsere Lösungen

118 Auskunft

118 Information with quality

The easy-to-remember and media-compatible 118xy is a 5-digit number for directory assistance services, which can be used to enquire about subscribers and value-added services and then be put through to them. Value-added services can be accessed via keywords such as weather, flirt or lawyer and can be individually configured.


Perfect for your individual 118 directory assistance service

Ideal for operating your own directory assistance service with a special database. Advertise your directory assistance service with individual entries, such as

  • Companies
  • Premium telephone services
  • Adult entertainment
  • Consulting services

Good to know:

Let callers decide how they want to reach you. Depending on the usage situation, he/she may prefer to dial a 0900 number or a 118 number and be transferred to the intended destination. If you offer several options in your advertising, this is usually highly appreciated.

The provider sets the price. It is announced to the caller free of charge at the start of the call and before the call is transferred.

First, you must apply to the BNetzA for your own 118 number. As there are only a few 118xy numbers, it is necessary to wait for a free number to be advertised in the official gazette. 118 numbers are drawn by lot among the applicants by the BNetzA.

Wie können wir Sie unterstützen?

Melden Sie sich gerne unter der Telefonnummer : +49 69 65006 – 0 oder schreiben Sie uns an
info (ät) first-telecom (punkt) de