Unsere Lösungen

internationale Rufnummern

Accessibility from all over the world from a single source

With First Telecom’s international service numbers, you can be reached “locally” by your customers in over 90 countries: from Argentina to Norway and Vietnam. In addition to the globally standardized universal freephone number (00800), we provide you with local freephone (0800), national landline numbers or premium rate numbers. With First Telecom’s international accessibility concept, you are now in a position to be available to your customers “locally” even without foreign branches.


Just right for your international business

Your costumers can reach you by telephone via national numbers, e.g.

  • Customer support
  • Serviceline
  • Value-added services
  • Consultant hotline

Good to know:

The range of service numbers varies from country to country. There are geographical numbers in almost every country, but the allocation rules are usually restrictive. We are happy to support you with the application process.

It varies from country to country. We would be happy to prepare a quote for you.

The allocation rules for geographical numbers are very strict in some countries. 0800 freephone numbers can usually also be applied for without a local company headquarters.

Unfortunately, premium rate numbers are not available in all countries and each country also has its own rules for usage and tariffs.

Wie können wir Sie unterstützen?

Melden Sie sich gerne unter der Telefonnummer : +49 69 65006 – 0 oder schreiben Sie uns an
info (ät) first-telecom (punkt) de