Tele-Voting 0137

The service number for mass-calling

The ideal solution for tele-voting and mass-calling solutions: whether a lottery or voting is to be offered. With tariff ranges up to €1 per call, 0137 offers attractive and – above all – assured payments. In addition, significant real-time statistics and interesting applications, such as hot button functionality, complete the portfolio.

Your advantages

  • Easy to set up or transfer service number from the old service provider
  • Flexible routing settings and prompt service with routing changes
  • Detailed online statistics on the use of your service number
  • Very flexible and resilient platform

Service numbers

0137-1 and 0137-5



0137-8 and 0137-9

Costs for the caller





Coverage Locations
Close Map
drag and drop
65,312,249 60,431,000 96.80%
7,639,961 9,087,000 120.20%
81,471,834 103,026,590 125.06%
138,739,892 211,931,940 150.84%
9,088,728 12,213,560 132.30%
9,976,062 10,861,480 109.19%
61,016,804 82,327,830 139.52%
10,190,213 13,684,900 134.49%
62,698,362 78,050,050 127.01%
46,754,784 53,603,820 114.65%
16,847,007 18,193,420 110.31%
38,441,588 44,685,890 117.85%
8,217,280 11,550,600 136.49%

Mobile operators


  • Population:
  • Total Sub.:

  • Penetration Rate: